We are Christians from all walks
of life who came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour.
We are evangelical and fundamental Christians. We preach the Gospel
about the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are not affiliated with any
Christian denomination. We are an independent local church. We
endeavour to follow the teachings of the Bible completely.
Doctrines of The Bible
The Holy Bible is God's word to
mankind and we fully accept its divine inspiration, authority and
sufficiency. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21)
All things were
created by God and all mankind created in His image. (Genesis 1:1,
Genesis 1:27, John 1:3)
The Bible teaches the equality
and unity of the Godhead which is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (John
10:30, 1 John 5:7)
Mankind is sinful and is unable
to bring about his own salvation. Mankind must be "born
again" to enter heaven. (Romans 3:23, John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23)
The life and character of the
Lord Jesus Christ was absolutely sinless and who could not sin. (John
1:1, Matthew 1:18, 23, 1 John 3:5)
The virgin birth of the Lord
Jesus Christ and that He is the eternal Son of God. (Isaiah 7:14,
Matthew 1:23-25)
The Lord Jesus Christ died on
Calvary’s cross, shed His precious blood for the remission of sins,
was buried and rose again the third day, and is alive at God’s
right hand in Heaven. (1 Corinthians 15:17-20; Romans 4:25, Acts
All those who receive Christ as
their Lord and Saviour are eternally saved After death or at the
rapture, they will be with Him in Heaven. Hell and the Lake of Fire
is the eternal abode of the unsaved. (2 Corinthians 5:6-8,
Philippians 1:23, John 3:36, Luke 16:23, John 10:28, Revelation
The Lord Jesus Christ is coming
again to take those who have received Him as their Lord and personal
Saviour, and will raise the dead in Christ. Later He will return to
establish his kingdom upon the earth. (John 14:3, 1 Corinthians
15:51-54, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 20:4)
All those who are saved should
be baptized by total immersion in water, and continue steadfastly in
the apostles’ doctrine, and in fellowship, and in the breaking of
bread, and in prayers. (Acts 2:41-42)
You are
always welcome at Broadview